Services include:
~Reliable, in-home tutoring
~Preliminary student assessments
~Web and hardcopy content available as reference materials
for tutoring sessions
~Strong focus in English comprehension, content analysis,
essay writing and organization, and proper acadmemic research techniques*
~Person-centered approach that strengthens student's ability
to work independently
~Mentor relationships as desired (per parents and student)
Parents, please do not hesitate to speak to me about your child's particular subject challenges. It is important for me to ensure that your child is equipped with all the tools he or she requires for personal and academic success!
*These services are also available for college students.
For information on how to reach the Glass Half Full Tutor, please see the contact page.
"No matter how difficult things may seem, you can never lose by looking at the glass as half full, 'because optimism makes all the difference.'" ~ Glass Half Full Tutor
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